D. D. VanDyke
author : D. D. VanDykeD. D. VanDyke is the mystery genre pen name for veteran bestselling technothriller/sci-fi author David VanDyke. Look for more California Corwin private investigator mysteries coming soon.\n\nThe California Corwin P. I. Mystery Series:\n\n- Off the Leash: A Cal Corwin short story\n- Loose Ends\n- In A Bind\n- Slipknot\n- The Girl in the Morgue\n\nSign up for giveaways of Amazon gift cards, Audible audiobooks and more at www.davidvandykeauthor.com/#!giveaways-and-promos/c6pv\n\nFor news about upcoming books, follow the author's blog, twitter or facebook. \n\nBlog: https://davidvandyke.wordpress.com/\nFacebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorDavidVanDyke\nFollow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DVanDykeAuthor\nWebsite: www.davidvandykeauthor.com\nE-mail: david(at)davidvandykeauthor.com \n\nDavid VanDyke's Amazon author page: http://www.amazon.com/David-VanDyke/e/B008EZHPC4/ View more >>D. D. VanDyke Book Series